FT-106 Taupe Tweed

Replacement Sling Fabric for Patio or Pool Furniture

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FT-106 Taupe Tweed TEXTILENE® brand synthetic fabric Wicker

Repeat: Plain

Construction: 28.5 x 26 per square inch
Please note: This fabric is not available on the special pattern sling replacements.

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Becky M. from North Carolina chose Taupe Tweed
for her replacement patio slings on Agio® yard furniture:

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Agio-sling-replacement-taupe-tweed-CR_Medlin-after-1.jpg

Here is a picture of our patio chairs that we rehabbed with the Taupe Tweed fabric.  They look better than when they were new! The left one is the old and the right is the new.  It took us 2 chairs to get it figured out but after that the other 4 were a breeze.  We had to tweak the instructions a little for our chairs but the instructions were clear and very
helpful.  This is an easy job and much cheaper than buying new furniture.

Becky M
Lake Gaston, NC

TEXTILENE® is a Registered Trademark of Twitchell Corporation.